Frequently Asked questions
What is the Knowledge Platform?
The Knowledge Platform is an interactive web platform dedicated to the topic of societal resilience. It hosts the Catalogue of Solutions, a repository of solutions to improve the interaction between emergency responders, authorities and civilians in emergency situations. It is one of the main outcomes of the EU-funded project ENGAGE.
How to use the Knowledge Platform?
You can explore different sections of the Knowledge Platform. The core part is the Catalogue of Solutions which you can navigate by selecting “Explore the Catalogue of solutions from the homepage” or “All solutions” from the navigation menu. In the Catalogue you can filter the search according to your preferences. Set your filter and click Search to see which Solutions match your criteria. You can also just type some keywords in the search bar. In the section “About Societal Resilience” from the navigation menu you can learn more about this topic, discover the theoretical framework that we used to assess societal resilience and go through our glossary of important terms. In the section “Fields of improvement” you can learn more about the 9 fields that can be addressed to enhance resilience in societies.
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Everything you need to know about the Knowledge Platform
What is the Catalogue of solutions?
The Catalogue of Solutions is a repository of solutions that can improve the interaction between emergency responders, authorities and civilians in emergency situations. A solution is a tool, method or strategy that proved effective in improving the interaction between emergency responders, authorities and civilians before, during or after an emergency. It is one of the main outcomes of the EU-funded project ENGAGE.
What is the ENGAGE Project?
Engage project is a research project funded by the European Commission that started in July 2020 and will last until December 2023. It addresses the topic of societal resilience. Learn more at
What is societal resilience?
Societal resilience is the ability of a society as a whole to cope with change and continue to develop.