2nd Societal Resilience Hub: Validation of initial insight and solutions for public involvement
14th of June 2021, Online
Engage is pleased to announce its second Societal Resilience Hub Workshop that will be held virtually on the 14th June from 9.00 to 12.00 CEST.
In this session, the Consortium will meet the members from the Knowledge and Innovation Community of Practice (KI-CoP) to further develop the discussion on solutions to involve citizens in disaster risk management.
The workshop will focus on first results achieved and solutions identified during the past activities and research. We will present 1-2 use cases and discuss with you actions to be taken, involvement of citizens and the applicability of selected solutions. The activity will also allow to start validating some of the identified solutions to link formal and informal interventions in emergencies.
Your experience in the field will be of fundamental importance to suppor and foster our research.
The event will be host online. The platform used and a link to the event will be communicated some days before the event.
Did you miss the first Workshop? Read the report of the First Societal Resilience Hub Meeting.